• Diligent in building performance
    Asset Services

Safety Policy

Work Place Health and Safety (WHS) in Technical Services

Safety Policy:

Our Work Place Health and Safety Policy (WHS) stands for zero injuries with any and all incidents, Safety Policy and service technicianno matter how trivial, to be reported and documented. Its a simple process which management and staff are encouraged to participate.

Forte Asset Services is CM3 Pre-Qualified. Safety Policy and the CM3 Logo


WHS is an active process in any facility, this means ensuring all relevant AHS equipment, procedures, documentation and policies are actively embraced and employed. Keeping up with the changes in Legislation is a time consuming task which is why we engage an external consultant for any grey areas and any notifications of Major changes or Legislative ruling which may affect our delivery


Contractors’ personnel are required to have the minimum of at least the industry General induction “white card” in currency. Their employer need to have their WHS systems, Safe Work Method Statement and Job Safety Analysis submitted before work begins. Signatures inducting all relevant site personnel have read and UNDERSTOOD their systems and any Risk involved must be submitted for our record keeping. All incidents must be recorded.

Contractor’s Insurance:

All contractor must have the relevant Work Cover and public liability insurance cover in currency, certificates will be requested and copies recorded. we ask for $20,000,000 as a minimum for public liability insurance.

Site inspections as part of our Safety Policy:

We have learned that we can have all the documentation in place, sometime personnel are lax or just not “switched on”, hence we Safety Policy WHS with robot manvisit site on regular visits, this increase their awareness and provides the opportunity to raise any concerns they may have on site.

Maintenance Management page:

The Work Place Health & safety industry has changed yet again with new legislation from 1st January 2012, We have extensive experience our selves however we will engage a consultant to Reduce our Risk as well as Yours to ensure proper Risk Management where necessary or there are grey areas. Our Consultants web site is: OH&S Sydney
Our process include for inductions, record keeping, Auditing of contractors, “Safe Work Method Statements”, and regular site inspections to ensure the utmost of employee/contractor care is engaged.


Strategic opportunities include:

  • Zero Injuries
  • Contractor Management
  • Review Polices Regularly
  • SWMS’s
  • Records and Inductions
  • on site inspections
  • Legislative Compliance
  • Signage on Site
  • Work Cover
  • Contractor Insurance

At FORTE ASSET SERVICES a commitment to occupational health, safety and the environment is part of the business.

This is achieved through:

• complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;

• setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services; and

• defining roles and responsibilities for occupational health, safety and environment.

Strategies will include:

• ensuring occupational health, safety and environment management principles are included in all organizational planning activities;

• providing ongoing education and training to all of our employees;

• consulting with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on occupational health, safety and environment matters;

• ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organization;

• distributing occupational health, safety and environment information, including this policy, to all employees and interested parties;

• providing enough resources to ensure occupational health, safety and environment is a central part of the organization; and

• ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to all employees.