
Energy Trend log

Small Project Management Why install a variable speed drive? “Several contractors have suggested we install a VSD in our pump and fan motors, Why”. What is a VSD or VFD?, The acronym, VSD, is for Variable Speed Drive, and the acronym VFD stands for Variable Frequency Drive; for our purposes, in building management, they are […]

Maintenance Mechanical | HVAC Mechanical Services | Commercial and Residential buildings

Outsourcing Maintenance Versus DIY Outsourcing Maintenance – DIY: (published in “hotel engineer”) Outsourcing Maintenance: The conversation went a little like this:“Who’s idea was that that is like outsourcing the Engineers job, “what am I gonna all day?” and What about the manager that turns up, he doesn’t know this Hotel as I do, he doesn’t […]

HVAC Mechanical Services Audit Preinspections for Commercial PRoperty

HVAC Mechanical Services Audit Any audit is about saving money or understanding where money is being spent to reduce further loss; the HVAC mechanical services audit is essentially designed to serve this purpose, so, do you need an audit? and how much is it going cost? Discover Energy Conservation opportunities and know the estimated cost […]

Urgent phone call for maintenance

Incoming Urgent Phone Call For Maintenance or Repair. Incoming Urgent Phone call for maintenance or repair, to panic or not to panic. In this article we have tried to offer just a few ideas to help to offer a system to establish what to do about an urgent maintenance issue which has come to your […]

Energy Bill Audit

Energy Bills Audit WIIFM (what’s in it for me) What’s this about? We must admit, the title of this post, Energy Bill Audit, sounds totally boring, but this post will hopefully sow the seed for a process that, in these tightening economic times, will offer a chance to improve returns without a big spend. It’s […]

Project manager with Schematics drawings

Measurement and Verification – DIY Systems Integration, Asset register, Building Management System, Energy Management System, BIM, Measurement In a previous life these terms were mutually exclusive, they required different vendors, different software and varying degrees of mutually exclusive expertise. These terms had this “black box” specialized and expensive connotation, with single vendor “captive client” pricing […]

Energy Conservation Versus Profit In commercial Property

Energy Conservation versus Profit? A privileged observation Energy Conservation can be at odds with Profit and overall performance of the building, so which one? Let us briefly set the scene. Picture a Conference room or function room, which has three solid form dividing curtains to split the room into three sub rooms as such. One […]