What is the Real Cost of “putting off” Corrective Maintenance

air handling unit filter very dirty causing energy consumption and hvac system inefficiency
Corrective Maintenance false economies are found everywhere in building maintenance and compliance, which is why outsourcing the facility management pays dividends in the long term.
Building systems knowledge, building services knowledge, and understanding the limitation of suppliers secures market value in corrective maintenance repairs and ensures value for money when you let the purchase order for those repairs.
Delaying the Inevitable Cost
Sometimes it is a necessary evil; budgets and financial pressures force a corrective maintenance repair to be delayed, other times there are unforeseen issues that may be of a political nature, and then there is just a desire not to implement the corrective maintenance repair for the sake of avoidance; whatever the reason, it is will cost you more later.
Where are these additional costs?
Lets take a brief look at direct costs:
- The cost of inflation alone for product and labour
- The rate of the Australian dollar for imported products
- The domino effect on operations and other associated equipment or structure within the building will be affected
Consider the indirect costs:
- Energy costs
- Repeated contractor visits
- Your labour and time
- Obsolescence
- Product lead time
- Availability of product
- Business Reputation
- Building Management Company Reputation
- Associated plant equipment compensating
- Workplace Safety
- Tenant Retention
- Tenant Rental income
- Asset Value
Indirect Costs for neglecting Corrective Maintenance can Compound and Escalate
let’s take the example of a car, for one reason or another a decision was made not to have a tyre repair made, the tyre had hit a nasty bump and its integrity and shape are compromised as a result.
We can consider the indirect consequence of neglecting this repair, for example,
- The safety aspect
- Fuel consumption increase in your car
- The comfort or ride of the car changes and people don’t like riding in your car
And so the list goes on…
Consider the example of a critical repair in your building, for example, an outside air fan has failed.
We can consider the indirect consequence of neglecting this repair, for example,
- The safety aspect
- Additional energy costs as systems compensate
- The indoor comfort environment changes, hence, the tenant doesn’t want to stay in an uncomfortable space in your building (the building becomes “stuffy”)
- Additional wear and tear on other components, the chiller runs longer and harder as it doesn’t have any cool outside air to start the day with
The message is the cost of the repair pales into insignificance when you consider the indirect costs.
Reputation Cost
The Building and Property management company are exposed, their brand has a direct relationship with the issue and any tenant or prospective tenant is likely to associate a problem building with that team. It’s not good for business.
Tenant Retention
Consider the Tenant’s customer, if the issue effect’s the tenant’s business because a tenant’s customer with draws their business, your tenant retention will clearly suffer.
Outsource Corrective Maintenance Services
We will end our articel on the “sell”. The fact, is many independent and non institutional commercial real estate investors don’t have the time to look after and maintain their buildings and perform the corrective maintenance requirements as they would like to. It’s not about the money, it’s often about their use of time.
This where we can help, as a company, to improve returns reduce those indiurect costs. We can give you back your time.
We have clear transparent invoicing and reporting, and, we are sure if you calculated your time at a given hourly rate, the ROI would be easily achiveble.
Thank you for reading.
Nigel Wraight
Forte Asset Services
[…] of these events creating false economies in corrective maintenance are easy to avoid, the methodology, is in the processes and procedures adopted by the facility […]