LED Emergency Exit Lighting

Scheduled Testing as Per Australian Standards

Repairs | Upgrades | Installation | Projects | Maintenance | Testing | AFSS

A Huge Variety of Options

The market for LED Emergency Exit Lighting offers a high variety of choices, to suit the many varied and different applications in both residential and commercial buildings.

Which emergency Light or which exit light for which situation? Does it comply with Australian standards? Is the application for the light fit for purpose for the location and the environment it is situated in.

Is the electrician or their colleague accredited with FPAA?

Maintenance for emergency lights

Exit Lights are a part of your WHS Obligations

Your workplace requires the display of LED Emergency Exit Lighting and signs compliant with the Australian Standards – AS/NZS 2293.1

As part of a comprehensive workplace safety plan, in your office, warehouse, retail space, commercial building and even residential buildings, you need your emergency and exit light to be operational.

The Australian Standard requires all signs to operate under battery operation for a minimum of 90minutes. Testing is to be completed once every six months.

Exit Sign Emergecny Light Melbourne

LED Exit Light and the IoT

LED Emergency Exit Lighting and the internet of things (IoT).

This technology has many benefits and makes fault finding and testing easier. Keep in mind your accredited technician should still see the lights work and pass their 90-minute test. Technicians are typically audited by a third party (FPAA) and may have to provide evidence (typically photos) to demonstrate why they passed or failed a site for the Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS).

The Greatest benefit of the Internet of things connection is that faults can be rectified and easily discovered along the way, avoiding big bills at the six-monthly and annual testing times. That said, the LED products are a lot more reliable than the old fluoro tube Exit lights. Typically the LED Emergency Exit Lighting has a life term of around 5 years.

Exit Running Man emergecny Light Melbourne Commercial Building


We offer a range of services, here are just a few links that complement the LED Emergency Exit Lighting.

Get the Most Out of This


  • Mechancial Electrical

    Mechanical Electrical Services,

    Projects, Maintenance, Repairs, Upgrades, Motor Control Centres, Variable Speed Drives, Lighting Control,

    We provide product, Electrical Installation, Programming, Commissioning, Documentation, Functional Specification, and we can also provide the Building Management System in the same contract