Building Services Audits

Third-Party Building Services Audits Can Provide you the Supportive information you Need!

Essential Building Services Audits; all our Essential Building Services Audits meet Australian Standards and/or are designed to discover opportunities for Energy Management and Resource Management improvements within your Facility.
Our audit is the starting point, the “line in the sand” from which meaningful measurements and verification can begin.

What do you want to achieve from your Building Services Audit?

The reasons from the foundation for actioning a Building Services Audit are necessary to understand. Understanding your motives will assist to narrow the scope of the audit and maximize value for your dollar. A good investment is in data that is useful and will garnish further constructive tasks.

  • Gain efficiencies in energy management
  • Technical Due Diligence
  • Establish/audit/ maintenance regimes
  • Improve Nabers rating, discover opportunities (we work with your Nabers Assessor)
  • Establish an Asset Register for Fixed Plant Equipment (including Fire)
  • Maintenance Integrity Audits
  • Energy Audits, Levels 1,2 &3.
  • Integrating technology into an older building
HVAC Main Plant maintenance

Scope of your Building’s Audit

We start by establishing a scope with our client to understand the depth of investigation you are seeking, there may be specific concerns or investigations as to where costs are being absorbed.
Our Building Services Audits are flexible and designed in consultation with our client.
The goal is to have your facility running fully optimized with maximum returns.

Condenser water pump, three of, serving the coolign towers at a north Sydney Building in NSW.

Building Services Audits: Reporting & History

The Audits and Assessments produce reports on how a property is currently performing and suggestions for areas of improvement. Our Team can monitor the performance of a property against its own historical performance and other related benchmarks offering “fine-tuning”. The results of these Audits form an active control document as the basis to set performance indicators as a review tool to measure the recommendations that have been implemented over time. NABERS is an annual assessment under legislation for many commercial facilities; consequently, the Nabers process encourages owners to improve their position in the marketplace. Technology is available to assist, streamline, record and monitor these ongoing improvements.

mechanical services switchboard serving the HVAC system. this image shows us the low level relay control in this olde style panel from the 1980's, in a rooft top plant room in chatswood in Sydney

Building Services Audits: Enable a Holistic Approach

We look at your building with you, in its entirety; to investigate its overall technical performance and where the opportunities are to deliver measurable improvements. Our Aim is to use the Synergies between the different building services to reduce the environmental impact of your facility.


Building Services Audits: Audit Results

What will a Building Serve Audit Reveal?

What are the benefits of an audit?

These are two very strategic and important questions, which basically question the value for money in any audit. The motivation from which most request an audit is usually financial; they are aware something is not right but can’t quite define the true source of the problem.

Outsourcing HVAC Mechanical Services Audit

Building Services Audits: Typical Results

Results are generally the result of normal wear and tear, lack of maintenance, “run-to-fail”, and “end-of-life” of the various

plant equipment and assets reviewed and investigated. A Client will ask for an audit when something just doesn’t seem right, a few reasons clients call for an audit include:

  • The power bill seems high
  • The Air conditioning is always on, even in winter
  • New Vendors
  • Fire stair pressure can’t be archived
  • Lack of documentation from vendors
  • Hi volume of reactive corrective maintenance
  • Due diligence report
  • End of lease “Make Good.”

Instead of explaining the return on investment, we will show just a few images from a few of our audits; from this, I think you will see the value for money.

We sometimes go places; people are just not meant to go and uncover some strategic opportunities for building owners to save money and improve the operations of their sites.

Pre-inspection in commercial property reveals maintenance issues such as water

Building Services Audits: What can a building audit do for you?

The audit usually pays for itself in some indirect way, either a tenant issue is resolved, reducing “tenant maintenance”,or energy costs are reduced. We had one client where we found all the mechanical air conditioning services had been switched to manual on mode. it had been this way for months. This meant all the air conditioning was working at 100% 24/7, including weekends. Their energy bill halved, and they made a return on our costs within a month. Every situation is different, and every client has different priorities; the common factor is the financial loss a client has experienced and is unaware they didn’t have to keep paying.

Mechanical HVAC Electrical Switchboard

Commercial Building Main Plant Maintenance

Main Plant Maintennce
Electrical Services
Fire Protection Services
Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
Mechanical Services (HVAC)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Management Contract
Asset Registers
Energy Management

Can We Help You Further?
