Commercial Property Pre-inspections

Are you the Commercial Property landlord, Asset Manager, or Property Manager, Or are you a commercial property tenant?

Different real estate professionals and purchasers seek different information about the property and its potential future use for their purposes. Understanding this is fundamental knowledge before undertaking any Commercial Property Pre-inspections.

For the Landlord or for the Tenant

– The Brief:

The following outlines the inspection criteria brief for Commercial Property Pre-inspections, which provides a list of inspection considerations for commercial property from retail strip shopping to multilevel office buildings. The core of the inspection list relies upon two critical, the first being the provision of photographic evidence with a date stamp, and the second accessing areas real estate agents would not typically access, including the roof, ceiling space, under the floor (data centres) and other similar areas.

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Contractor’s License

We are licensed Electrical Contractors, Air Conditioning, and tradespeople providing for installation, services, and maintenance.

Unsupervised Buildings

Work Health and Safety

Our Construction experience, combined with our facility services expertise, provides you with the knowledge we are experienced and capable of accessing difficult areas in line with the WHS legislation and governing acts. We understand confined spaces, working at heights, and so forth.

Accessing the roof to inspect air conditioning units and access the ceiling space to inspect the internal services such as ducts, air conditioning, fire, lighting, plumbing, and other ceiling space services, and roof-mounted services is in typical days work for our team.

integrated Facility Services Fire | electrical | HVAC

WHS Systems, Equipment, Insurance

In our works, in Commercial Property Pre-inspections, we have the systems, equipment (such as fibreglass ladders), and the appropriate insurance for working in these hazardous areas. Our Business insurance is for $20,000,000:00. We also understand when activities can’t be done without specialized equipment or additional team members present, we will provide this information before any additional costs are incurred.

HVAC Mechanical services in the plant room of a Chatwood building showing condenser water pumps one and two both in operation and controlled by the building automation system, Sydney

Legislative Compliance

We can assist with the following:

  • Annual fire Safety Statement
  • Annual Fire safety statement testing
  • Emergency light testing
  • Elevator certification
  • Test and tag including “RCD” Testing
  • Thermal imaging scans for Switchboards
  • Carbon Monoxide Car park ventilation Control
  • Slip protection
  • Fire Systems, including six monthly testing
  • Water testing and chemical dosing (cooling towers)
  • Air Conditioning Systems Refrigerant gas
  • Pest control
fire protection services technician inpsecting fire sprinkler system installation Sydney

Basic Inspection

We define a basic inspection as that which you would find in the residential environment

Pre-inspection shows many issues

where items such as doors, walls, windows, kitchenettes, bathrooms and their chattels are inspected for condition and working order. Digital Photographs are always supplied. The “basic Inspection” is included as a part of our “global inspection.”

Car Park Lighting Repairs at the Domain Car Park SYDNEY

Global Inspection

The Global inspection includes access to the roof, basements, under floors, roof space, ceiling space, and other areas, which may require specialized equipment and specialized experience in noting anomalies and/or potential risks in the services.

Forte Asset Services HVAC Mechanical Air Handling Unit Air Filters and Economy Dampers in Sydney CBD Comemrcial Building

What do we look for?

We look for the following (but not limited to) conditions in our inspections:

  • Cleanliness
  • Operations
  • General physical condition
  • Likely hood of a breakdown
  • Serviceability
  • Signs of Fatigue: Rust, Water, oil, burns, shape, noise, rub markings, stress, Age, Obsolescence
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Relevant documentation
Commercial Property Pre-inspection | lighting maintenance Melbourne and Sydney

Asset Register | Commercial Property Pre-inspections

A Commercial Property Pre-inspection is an opportunity to create the foundation for an asset register for the property. This creates value and diligence for a perceived purchaser or valued tenant. A typical asset register includes parameters such as:

  • Model number
  • Serial number
  • Cost to purchase
  • Cost to replace,
  • Obsolescence,
  • Life term,
  • Remaining life,
  • Expected failure Date
Sydney Commercial Building Return air fan running at 1005 via a varible Speed Drive in a roof level plant room

Commercial Building Main Plant Maintenance

Main Plant Maintennce
Electrical Services
Fire Protection Services
Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
Mechanical Services (HVAC)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Management Contract
Asset Registers
Energy Management

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