Commercial Property Technical Due Diligence

Do you know what is hidden behind Plant Room doors, inside panels, on the roof, in the basement, and the services risers?
The hidden costs to repair equipment you couldn’t see.
The urgency for corrective maintenance, can it wait?
The building’s compliance and non-compliance, where do you stand?
Has the building been well maintained?

These are many questions we endeavour to answer for you with photographic support.
Giving you peace of mind in making tough decisions
and asking tough questions

Resources and Experience

Our engineering and construction background, coupled with our supply chain for access to specialized suppliers for relevant operations and cost data, provides the foundation and expertise for comprehensive technical due diligence results.
Our team can deliver a comprehensive appraisal, investigating building assets, for the following parameters:

Commercial Property
Technical Due Diligence Reporting

Reporting is always accompanied by digital photographs embedded in our report, ensuring our comments’ logicality for easier understanding. Any additional information from suppliers is also accompanied by the suppliers’ contact details, the date upon which the information was sourced, and with whom we spoke. This ensures an easier flow of follow-up information for any future projects and/or any additional information required by our client.

Technology, Engineering, Essential Building Services Due Diligence

Obsolescence is the greatest key factor when considering the replacement of the major fixed assets in your facility; as the technology-based equipment becomes older, the harder the parts become to the source. The Top three of these are the Lifts, the Building Management System and the chillers.
The fundamental operation of this equipment is based upon the capability of the sum of all its parts. That is, if a core component fails, a current version may be available off the shelf, but will it work with the rest of the obsolete equipment already installed?
Likely not, as it is not in the interest of the vendor to make backward compatible parts, as this will slow the procurement of new systems, upgrades and modernization.
Are there multiple vendors? Can the equipment be procured elsewhere? Are you locked into a contract that limits external vendors?
Understanding these industry traits, knowing when an item of equipment is, in practical terms, a low cost, but the vendor can ask for an extreme price because of the supply and demand forces on that equipment. You need to know where you stand for future capital and ongoing maintenance costs.
These parameters need to be considered when delivering a due diligence report.

Commercial Building Main Plant Maintenance

Main Plant Maintennce
Electrical Services
Fire Protection Services
Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)
Mechanical Services (HVAC)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Management Contract
Asset Registers
Energy Management

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