Technical Services Sydney

Technical Services Sydney

Technical Services Sydney, inclusive of Fire Protection, Electrcial, HVAC Mechanical and controls combine to provide our clientele a holistic service. The “grey areas” between disciplines are given attention rather than referring the issue to others. We can bring it all together in one point of responsibility. Its up to you. We can offer multiple technical services or just one. Our job is to provide the results, compliance and safety you need in commercial building maintenance and projects

Technical Services Disciplines

Good Service is a holistic service, one account manager with clear reporting, photos and follow-ups for any outstanding works that are required for compliance and/or safety. Customers need to be secure in the knowledge your interests are the foundation of the scope of work. The desired outcome from the technical project or maintenance regime, must meet your expectations. Fire, HVAC, Electrcial and Controls cover many “grey areas” where trades and technicians intersect. Having these under the one order ensures fewer disputes and greater accountability to deliver a tangible result.

Forte Asset Services Technician working on a control panel serving mechanical services and electrical motors in Sydney CBD

Mechanical Electrical

In the Technical Services Sydney office, we employ electricians with a wide range of skill sets, from switchboards and motor control to lighting, BMS, and emergency lights, with FPAS accreditations. With Staff across different but related disciplines, internal technical support is readily available, supporting our team and our clientele.

Building Manager Sydney CBD

Technical & Trade

Trade and Technical Services Sydney offer accountability and delivery via a cloud based documentation system, including reporting, photos, safety and management. Keeping our clientele as long term customers in our clientele portfolio is defined here. Cusotmers need to know the details of the works, from maintenance regimes to special technical projects. This ensures ongoing works and greater local knowledge of your commercial buildings by our technicicans.

Employee working on Hydrant Diesel Pump cooling System for client based in Sydney

Job Management and coordination.

Reporting and documentation is key to the success of any special technical project or maintenance regime.

Digital Photos support documented commentary upon the condition of fixed assets, the works completed by technicians and tradespeople, any new issues that have been revealed, and basics such as service dockets or log books.

Documentation in Facility Management

How can we help you further

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Documentation in Facility Management