Commercial Electrician Melbourne

Comercial Electrcian Melbourne

Commercial Electrician Melbourne: Insured, experienced, and Resourced.

We listen to understand priorities, urgency, budgets and responsibilities.

Performing the repairs, fault finding, installations and maintenance is the “cream” part of the job our technicians enjoy the most. Your situation and your client’s outcomes are fundamental in understanding what delivers to meet your expectations and the End Client’s.

All the relevant insurance and accreditations are in place; Safe Work Method Statements, Policies & procedures and ongoing toolbox talks support our team, and you are to a successful conclusion of all electrical jobs projects, repairs and installations.

Forte Electrcian working on the installation of a ABB variable Speed Drive to servie the Cooling Tower fan in this residential Sydney Apartment complex

Mechanical Electrical

Delivering projects in existing occupied buildings and new “green” construction. Energy management Opportunities are optimised, making your life easier at the property management meetings.

A Qualified and experienced crew with a huge knowledge bank ensure competency and compliance

Commercial Building Asset Services; lighting Upgrades and repairs with LEd Weather proof fittings and fixtures

Light & Power

All your General Light and Power Needs for any project, installation, Maintenance, fault finding and repairs. House Lighting, Emergency Lights, Special Purpose, Power, Test and Tag, 3 phase, single phase, Switchboards,

Forte Electrcian working on the installation of a ABB variable Speed Drive to servie the Cooling Tower fan in this residential Sydney Apartment complex

Fire Indication Panels

Delivering fire protection system installation projects in existing occupied buildings and new “green” construction. Ensuring compliance, Compatibility, documentation and adherence to any third-party engineering requirements.

A Qualified and experienced crew with a vast knowledge bank ensure competency and compliance.

Commercial Building Asset Services; lighting Upgrades and repairs with LEd Weather proof fittings and fixtures

Automation and Controls

All your building management systems, analog control, relay logic, stair pressurization, pneumatic controls, and variable speed drives. All are capable of interconnection and integration with Tridium, Lon, BACnet and some proprietary systems.

Forte Electrcian working on the installation of a ABB variable Speed Drive to servie the Cooling Tower fan in this residential Sydney Apartment complex

Variable Speed Drives (VSDs)

Delivering fire protection system installation projects in existing occupied buildings and new “green” construction. Ensuring compliance, Compatibility, documentation and adherence to any third-party engineering requirements.

A Qualified and experienced crew with a huge knowledge bank ensure competency and compliance.

Commercial Building Asset Services; lighting Upgrades and repairs with LEd Weather proof fittings and fixtures

Lighting Control

You have heard of the IoT, the Internet of Things. integrate your emergency and Exit lighting systems together into a network for full-time monitoring. We are FPAA accredited for Emergency lighting TEsting and repairs for your Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) Compliance / Submission. Great for Unsupervised Buildings.

Forte Electrcian working on the installation of a ABB variable Speed Drive to servie the Cooling Tower fan in this residential Sydney Apartment complex

Mechanical Services Switchboards

Commercial Electrician Melbourne. Mechanical Services switchboard integrating Building Automation and Controls. Including Proprietary Control Systems such as Daikin, Schneider and others. A Qualified and experienced crew with a huge knowledge bank ensure competency and compliance.

Commercial Building Asset Services; lighting Upgrades and repairs with LEd Weather proof fittings and fixtures

Co System Car Park Fan Control

Full Compliance to AS 1668 and interconnections with the control from the Fire Indication Panel. Ensure a full compliance annual fire safety statement (AFSS) and a competent full-function fire Test (FFFT). Six Monthly Co Sensor calibration and system checks maintenance also available.

Forte Electrcian working on the installation of a ABB variable Speed Drive to servie the Cooling Tower fan in this residential Sydney Apartment complex

How Can We Help

Commercial Electrician Melbourne.
