Fire Protection Services
Commercial and Residential

✅ Preventative Monthly Maintenance
✅ Urgent Repairs
✅ Compliance
✅ Upgrades
✅ Installations
✅ Annual Fire Safety Statement
✅ Projects
✅ Regular Test & Inspect
✅ Holisitc Service with HVAC and Electrical (All Licensed)
✅ Exit & Emergency Lighting
✅ 24/7 After-Hours Support

Routine Maintenance –
Commercial & Residential

Your building, be it a Residential apartment block or commercial space, requires regular fire protection services maintenance, and repairs to ensure ongoing compliance and fully functional operation.

There are laws and statutory requirements, both from the Local Council and Government, regarding the testing and maintenance of fire systems in commercial space and residential apartment buildings.
Are your fire system maintenance records up to date and your system compliant?
Are your routine Fire System maintenance procedures in line with your building insurance?
Are you using a qualified company with certified technicians?

Passive Fire Detection and Sprinkler Systems

Any fire protection services routine maintenance schedule should include (but not limited to) the regular testing and servicing of equipment such as:

✅ Fire extinguishers
✅ Fire Safety Blankets
✅ Passive Fire detection systems
✅ Sprinkler systems, including pumps pressures and peripheral equipment
✅ Emergency Generators serving the fire System
✅ Fire Brigade Auto Call
✅ Fire Indication Panel Functionality
✅ Supplementary systems such VESDA and Pre-action for data centers

Maintenance Service Level Agreements

Service Level agreements for fire services should include, (but not limited to):

✅ Test all relevant fire equipment as per Australian Standards
✅ Test the Fire Systems, including field equipment, peripheral devices, and Fire indication panel, as per Australian Standards
✅ Repair and replace Fire System equipment and peripherals where necessary
✅ Record all fire system works completed and issue relevant documentation
✅ Requirements as per the Annual Fire Safety Statement for submission to Council
✅ Record any and all anomalies which require attention

This is a very brief overview, more information can be found from the link below if required

Fire Indication Panels upgrade / Replacement or Repairs

FDCIE (Fire Detection Control and Indicating Equipment)

✅ FIP/FDCIE upgrade to ensure compliance with the relevant codes and Australian Standards
✅ Smoke Detectors are typically upgraded and/or replaced as part of the price and the installation
✅ Repair if we can. Many Panels are no longer supported by the OEM (Obsolete Honeywell Notifier, for example)
✅ Backup Batteries
✅ BOWS (Building Occupant Warning System) or EWIS (Emergency Warning and Intercommunication System)
✅ Fire Orders looked after on behalf of the Landlord or Building Committee in line with the Order requirements and final submission of the Annual Fire Safety Statement and completion of the FIP upgrade

We Can Help You With Your Fire Services

Fully insured
Accredited and licensed personnel
Diligent monthly documentation
Critical and non-critical Faults quoted separately
Long Term Business Relationship
Boutique Australian Owned Company

Call 1300 920 752 today or fill out the form below, we hope to hear from you soon


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